
Describes the instrument used for data acquisition.


id string

Unique locatable identifier of an instrument. It can be formed by combining name and version (e.g., “DS_v2024.01”).

timeline_id string

Identifier for a timeline. Timeline is a variant of an instrument with specific parametrization, for the whole experiment or for multiple block of trials (e.g., “DS_FORWARD” and “DS_BACKWARD” for digit span task). Timelines are configurations that specify instrument parameters.

block_id string

Specific parameterization of the instrument for a single block of trials (e.g., “DS_FORWARD_PRACTICE” and “DS_FOWARD_TEST”). Block-level parameters override timeline-level parameters.


name string

Name of the toolkit (scene, code, or configuration) that is used to collect the data, e.g., “DS” for a software that runs digit span task in forward OR backward order. The specific parameterization of the instrument is defined by the “Timeline” (e.g., a variant of instrument called “DS_FORWARD”).

version string

Refers to the specific version/build of a particular instrument. We will use a calendar based versioning system (; e.g., “v2024.01”).

description string

A human readable, compact description of the main aspects of the instrument.

link url

External link, if any, the provides more information about the instrument, e.g., on Cognitive Atlas.

Permanent links, e.g., DOIs, are preferred over particular websites.

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