
Describes each option that a subject could choose from in a trial.


option_id id

Primary key of the Option table. Reference to this identifier in other tables are thus named option_id.


Each row in this table has a unique id

If the same option is shown at two different times in a trial, those two instances will have their own row in the * Option* table, each with its own id.


trial_id id

Refers to the id in the Trial table and indicates in which trial this option was shown.


trial_id in the Trial table for the same subject/session/activity

response_id id

Refers to the response_id in the Trial table and indicates for which response this option was shown.


response_id in the Trial table of the same subject/activity

index_in_trial index

Indexing each of the options within the set of options that were available to subjects on a given trial.


1-based indices

If the presented options have no specific temporal or spatial order, leave this field empty or assign the same index to all options, e.g., index_in_trial=1.

object_id string

An option is defined by a set of features. This variable is used to identify each time the same features were used. For example, if the same white digit “3” is used as an option in the Digit Span task, all those instances would have the same object_id although they would have different ids (as they appeared at different times).


onset float

Duration between the start of the trial and the moment the option was displayed or activated, in seconds.


In seconds

duration float

How long the option was displayed or active in seconds, starting from the onset, in seconds.


In seconds


panel_id string

Identifier of the pane this option was displayed over.

x_screen float

X coordinates of the option component on the screen in pixels.

In BDM, the preferred position is the center of the object. However, specific implementations of the tasks may use other locations such as the top-left corner. If this is the case, it should be explicitly stated in the codebook.

y_screen float

Y coordinates of the option component on the screen in pixels.

x_viewport float

X coordinates of the option component on the screen expressed as a fraction of the screen width.


0 to 1 (inclusive).

y_viewport float

Y coordinates of the option component on the screen expressed as a fraction of the screen height.


0 to 1 (inclusive).


description string

A human readable, compact description of the main aspects of the option. The description for a given option depends on the task but follows a specific template for a given task. Because of this, it looks like the option description could be parsed—however, this is not the intention; structured, parsed data will be available in other fields; description is for human readability and facilitates the understanding of the data.

value float

A numeric value associated with a particular response option; typically indicating the “worth” of a response (e.g., value=1 for the correct response).

source string

Refers to the specific generator or set from which the option originates. Options sharing the same source have the same data structure and can be thus collectively described in a table named after option_source (e.g., “digit1to9”).

The option_source specifies the table or file that provides complete details about the option. For instance, option_source=digit1to9 indicates a source containing information on digits 1 to 9.

source_type enum

An option is typically created using a particular procedure/algorithm or is sampled from a particular set. This variable indicates which of these two applies for the current option.


  • set: option is sampled from a fixed set of options.
  • generator: option is created using a procedure/algorithm.

index_in_source integer

When a option is picked from a particular set (e.g., digits1to9), this index refers to the index within that set.


animation string

Describes the animation used to display a specific option in a human-readable format. For example, “fadeIn 3s ease-in-out” indicates a 3-second fade-in animation.

To maintain clarity and consistency, BDM recommends using CSS-style naming conventions for common animations (e.g., “3s linear slide-in”).

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